Musings of a Chink-Banana

Many people around me have heard my personal stories over the years and thought it hilarious and highly unusual (yet enjoyable and humorous) experience. They have encouraged me to write them out in the form of a blog. After many years of deliberation (or rather after having gone through tons of shit to come to where I am), finally decided to give this blog a shot.

Some warnings: if you are expecting to find a well organized book or whatever, then this blog is not for you. If you are here looking for a grand narrative, fundamental enlightenment, epiphany, second coming of Jesus, life guidance, etc. etc. this blog is not for you. If you can't stand f-bombs, this blog is not for you. If you are prudish or Puritan in nature and cannot stand the sight or sounds of human sexuality in general, this blog is not for you. If you are generally very pent-up anal, can't take humours in any way shape or form (esp of peter Russell's variety), this blog is not for you. if you care very much about your race/heritage/religion, etc, and cannot stand any transgressions against them in any way shape or form and are offended very very easily then this blog is not for you. if you are politically correct in the extreme this blog is not for you. if you can't stand bad English or mixed English/Chinese/other languages in a same blog piece, this blog is not for you. (this list will keep expanding as I write my blog and realize more of its shortcomings).

fundamentally this blog is a private musing of a very non-descript person, it has no beginning and no end, I write whatever comes up in my mind, without necessarily attention to a chronological order or any other order. it is totally freeflowing, more like a mind-dump. I strive to present things that happened in my life so far in as neutral a light as possible, but of course I will add in my emotions and opinions from time to time, especially if it is of a very strong flavour.

also each article in this blog may be subject to updates at anytime when I feel like doing them, so for any article, if you check back from time to time, may see further expansions that you did not see last time, in essence, think of this blog as a kind of Wikipedia, perpetual work in progress, where each article is a living and breathing entity that may update itself (with my help) at any time.

the language of this blog is very unrefined as I strive to pump out my mind as quickly and efficiently as possible, also not shying away from using very coarse language in order to get my points across and fully strike it into the heads of all reading this article exactly how I felt (emotions like anger, disgust, frustration, ludicrousness, etc. are the primary ones here). I call this style of writing "oriental brutalism".

an order of explanation is in for the etymology of the site name: chinkbanana

1. I was trying to find a unique blogger subdomain name, and the subdomain "chink" has already been taken, so had to expand upon it a little bit

2. the word "chink" is self-explanatory, it is equivalent of the N-word for the Chinese. but just like the N-word, now some Chinese are "owning" the word in an attempt to fight racism and promote our collective heritage, so this is the sense in which this word is used here, having heard it flung at me time and again at work, the only effect that it's had on me is to make me laugh for some reason. also chink is a very "shock" word that will hopefully jolt people reading this blog into realizing that it's not your average joe schmoe blog with patintings of flower vaginas, etc.

3. the word "banana" is used to denote most often an American born Chinese (ABC), a Chinese person who does not speak a word of Chinese, whose entire inside including all thoughts actions and behaviours are all white/Caucasian in 100% sense of the word, but who otherwise unfortunately is born with east Asian facial features (so called "mongoloid features" in the days of yore), appearing like a banana: yellow peel on the outside, white on the inside (actually banana would not be entirely accurate as Chinese skins are white, just our facial features are off). so imagine one of these people walking happily on the streets of New York one day: was born in America, never had anything to do at all with China, then some random ole' white lady comes up and tells them to "go back to china!" can you imagine how shitty this is to the person in question???!!! All that because of some stupid facial features? that's why I always imagine the day when plastic surgery gets advanced enough like 007 "die another day" Korean colonel transforms into white person, then these ABCs can finally find their peace and total acceptance into the American society

the reason I use the word "banana" here, other than as a way of expanding into the subdomain name to make it a unique blogger name, is my sense of being a "spiritual banana", I was born in china, lived there for quite a few years before leaving, so there wouldn't be shitty feelings when people tell me to go back to China, for I am a good-ole' Chink (can't help but think of the N-word scenario "boss N-word!"). but since coming to America I've discovered a few things that I believe was what made America better than china and are the reasons people all over the world want to flock to America despite racism and other problems in this land. therefore I've shed most of my Chinese values (while still holding onto one, semi-ish, which i'll get to in some other pieces of this blog), and replaced them with "white values" ( will also expand on what these are later in the blog), so I have deemed my case one of "spiritual banana", because i'm not a banana. it's more of a 'refusnik' type of scenario

there you have it. have fun reading my blog.


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